Another admin gone : Cerberusnl
Due to repeated issues with communication, I feel I no longer motivated to help FA out, administratively. As such, I'm resigning.
I'll still be around... I'm just not going to be doing any banhammering. is now down to 10 admins inc. Dragoneer.
I also looked at the pages of all the remaining admins to see if/when they were active.
I noticed that of these admins AsiaNeko has shown no external sign of activity for over a month (since May) and she mentioned in a journal (from December last year) that she is recovering from surgery, and that she will be "not allowed to work for who knows how long". So it seems probable that she isn't doing any admin'ing on FA.
Nerosilent has shown no external signs of activity on FA for 5 months (since the beginning of Feb.) and his journals mention physical therapy and surgery on his back. So again I wouldn't be expecting him to do anything.
Of the other 8 admins, chase (aka Carmen) has nothing on his page so you cannot really get any clue as to whether he's been active or not, but the other 6 : Dragoneer, Foxamoore, Jasu Fox, Kryphosdrgn, quoting_mungo, SSJ3Mewtwo and Surgat, all have favourites, shouts, submissions and journal entries which show they have been active on FA in the past few days.
However, the only admins I've seen in the past few months daring to show themselves in an admin role in comments, journals &c. and that I've heard of as answering trouble tickets are Dragoneer and quoting_mungo.
It seems possible then that Dragoneer and quoting mungo could be the only active admins left on FA, and that no other admin is now prepared to stick their head up above the parapet on FA and communicate with users (likely because Dragoneer is so shit at communicating with everyone from the rest of the staff downwards).
It just goes to show that no matter what Dragoneer promises to do, things always end up back here : trouble tickets piling up, issues not getting resolved, admins quitting and the userbase getting ever more soured on FA and its staff.
Dragoneer has already posted a string of FA United related site announcement journals so I suppose he's going to try and bury his woes in his vanity convention.