Chase has, without any warning, gotten rid of at least one mainsite admin/FA forums admin (QTmelon/Arshes Nei) and a mod from the forums (MLR). The forums mod says he was ditched because he was on staff at weasyl. Note that MLR quotes Chase calling Weasyl a "competitor site":
So, I log on to my FAF account tonight, only to receive a message from the forums' new lord and master Chase that I've been removed from staff. The reason given, of course, being my involvement with Weasyl, a 'competitor site'. So after five or six years working with them, pretty much without incident, without causing offsite drama, without causing leaks or anything, I guess this is what I get.
Oh, but they 'appreciate' what I've done for them up until this time. That's so fucking nice to hear. Yeah: you're welcome, cocksuckers. Have fun sitting around licking each others' assholes from here on out.
^ the comments section on the journal:
Honestly, this literally all happened within the last couple of days. It was nice and steady sailing for years, but then Arshes Nei gets booted without forewarning to anyone, Xaerun and the other admins get demoted to Super Moderator for some reason, and Chase gets handed the reins to the whole thing, not knowing dick about the community there or even who the moderators were. Apparently they're now trying to 'better merge the forums and mainsite' or something, but I guess they feel that in order to do that they have to utterly destroy the current structure over there. It's like being asked to build a house for your boss, who doesn't check in with you at all during the construction, only to have him come in after it's finished and have his friend drive a bulldozer into it and knock it right the fuck back down.
I had no opinion of Chase before all this. I now think he and Dragoneer are incompetent scumbags.
Before this, I was rather careful not to make any disparaging remarks in public about some of the incredibly obviously stupid decisions being made by the FA higher-ups, and I tended to reserve judgment since I never knew the full story. I also was rather careful not to share proprietary information between the two sites (that being FAF and Weasyl). You know... because I'm not an idiot or an asshole most of the time, and I held no animosity toward either site (if I did hold any animosity toward a place, I wouldn't volunteer my time to work for them; unlike some folks, I actually do have a life). Of course, I can't just ignore it when my loyalty gets rewarded with a punch in the face.
But I don't want to make this about Weasyl, and whether or not it's so much better than FA. Honestly, that's really neither here nor there. If folks who know me want to migrate over to Weasyl because of this, that's lovely, and quite touching, but I'm not telling anyone they should start an exodus away from this site because of what happened to me. Just know what did happen, and know that you should never, ever try to become part of FurAffinity's staff, if you value your sanity. And don't ever bother trying to fix FA, because the people who run the site do not care what you think. We are but flies. That's the moral here.
This one is very telling WRT to how nothing ever changes with Princess Piche:
I don't know... It's this bizarre paranoia that Dragoneer seems to have about the site, like he has to run a furry art site as though it were the fucking CIA or something, and that everyone everywhere is out to take it all down or subvert it. If only you could read some of the weird shit he posted in one of the threads in the admin forums, equivocating like crazy about why he's so loath to accept coding help from the many thousands of people who have offered it over the years, and completely ignoring addressing legitimate points being made by the staff. It was really quite fascinating to see.
I guess I could have let him know directly at some point that I joined the Weasyl staff (not that I made ANY effort to hide the fact), but honestly the thought never even crossed my mind because of how infrequently I had any kind of contact with the guy. And gee, I guess if I would have let him know earlier, I would have been booted a long time ago!
So is this:
The thing that kills me is, as you know very well, having been forum staff and then main site staff here, I knew just as much about main site goings-on as the regular userbase. Mainsite admins, with the exception of Trpdwarf, bless her heart, made NO effort to contact us about anything, and so I was permanently out of the loop. That being the case, I felt no obligation to keep my activities restricted to FA; FAF has been nearly an independent site for years now, because up until now Dragoneer and everyone else had zero interest in making use of it.
It's interesting that MLR describes the FA forums as being an independent site, because I noted Princess Piche recently referred to the FA forums, just a few days ago, not with the usual royal "we", but "they": bolding in quotes was done by me for emphasis, MLR did not bold anything in his original comments).