You know, after absorbing this stuff all day, I really can't think of much to say.
Sean Piche, you were warned something of this magnitude would happen. You were told what needed to be done. Your incompetence is the sole reason what happened today happened. Don't blame Lulz, don't blame Gawker, don't blame anyone except yourself. This is beyond "We all make mistakes! We're only human!". I see you're blaming today's hack on someone getting into an admin's email account. Let me guess, you have ten fucking servers but don't bother to give the staff "official" email addresses? Email addresses you can lock down, force password changes, and simply hide the fucking login so people can't find it? No, making people check two email addresses is too hard, let's let everyone use their Gmail. I run a site with a fraction of a fraction fewer users than FA and every one of my staff gets an official email that they use for everything site-related.
You act without thinking. You think without acting. You've been in charge of this site for nearly 5 years and every single project you came up with in your first year of being in charge is still in development. The new UI was announced in 2007 and was supposed to be out "this summer" after being promised for last Christmas. Still nothing. You refuse to even produce another screenshot of it. All you do is show off the concept art. Ferrox has been in varying stages of development since 2006 and is currently dead. Gallery folders, printing on demand, filters... all projects YOU promised years ago and Inkbunny finally followed through on. And instead of stopping and wondering why your competition is able to do all the things you can't, you resort to petty name calling.
If it hasn't become painfully obvious yet, you need to expand the development staff. I can read your notes and see qualified people sent you their fucking resume with their real life contact information on it and you brush it aside and leave it up to Yak (how's that working out for you, anyways?) to add staff (something he obviously isn't going to do, ever) or hide behind the paper-thin excuse of "We don't want /b/ getting their hands on the code!". When you have people giving you their goddamn resume, they're not out to troll you.
You shouldn't be running FurAffinity. You don't deserve to run FurAffinity after what was released today. But you'll stay, because you think that what you do is somehow good for the "community". The community that you take advantage of on a regular basis. The community you're "protecting" every time you don't do something like put banner ads for non-furry things on the site or add premium features yet you don't give a damn when presented with evidence showing said community's personal data is in jeopardy. The community that cares so much about FurAffinity that they barely donate enough every month to cover the massive hosting bills. Hosting bills that are high because you refuse to invest in the site outside of buying more hardware for it.
FurAffinity will never be successful with you in charge. It will remain where it is, the broken shopping cart with the squeaky wheel that always wants to go left. And it will remain there until the community has had enough and goes off to join other sites, while you sit there struggling to keep the light on and keep yourself relevant in the fandom.
Playtime is over. Playtime has been over. FurAffinity is a business and if you don't want to run a business and just want to play IT guy then hand the site over to someone who knows business.