As I write this, it's about 15 minutes from the exact time of the one year anniversary of Lemonade's death. I thought that a follow-up post about this topic was deserved, based on what's transpired in the past year.
The past year has been interesting, to say the least. After a huge outpouring of Internet Sadness, this whole event pretty much faded into Fandom History. Despite a general consensus that Lemonade/Tim was well loved in the Fandom and died while doing a rather noble job, here was no attempt made at getting anyone to do much of anything other than saying how upset they were online. One of the few things that spawned from it was the creation of a general remembrance event at FWA, or at least it drew attention to the fact that existed (I believe I've seen these events on con schedules long ago).
One reason nothing was done was because Kage, arguably one of the very few people that could have organized something, didn't do anything more than go to Tim's memorial service in Brooklyn and drink afterwards. The man who has no problem begging people to give money to 2gryphon, a sandwich shop, and now an one-time Anthrocon GoH who's ties to the fandom are negligible at best, couldn't apparently find it in himself to try to organize anything for someone he called a "friend". Instead, he now apparently uses this event as some sort of twisted fandom promotional tool. The videos are apparently on YouTube of him pontificating on stage about it.
There's no doubt in my mind that, if the fandom can raise $20,000 in a matter of hours for a sandwich shop, that we couldn't have done
something here in remembrance of both Tim and his co-worker. The possibilities are pretty much endless, even if it was as boring as
kickstarting the scholarship fund the IEMS set up. If the fandom donated as much money to the scholarship as they did to Fernando's, they could put almost four people through EMS training for free.
Instead, we're left thinking "what if", while people throw money at the ridiculous "causes" trumpeted by the kings of the fandom.