This is pretty interesting: looks to have happened is that some random kid got a hold of Wan's ED page and decided to stir up some shit. Not so much commendable as stupid, but whatever. What's more interesting is the little flip-flop that LittleBlooWolf did:
You are NOT speaking on my behalf, and how dare you assume yourself in a position to be so. Considering I've no idea who you are, and the fact you've never -reached out to ask me anything- about a situation you clearly know nothing about (hello... The bit about me? Not true), speaks volumes.
Do NOT bring up my name in your smear campaigns again. I'm sick to death of my name being branded about when, AGAIN, no one bothers to speak TO me, just "on behalf of" me unasked.
What ever issues I had with zaush have been spoken about (GASP) actually TO him in private and I'm perfectly happy with the outcome.
I repeat again, not you, not your friends, speak on my behalf.
You're shit stirrers who don't think twice about throwing people you - don't know-'s names about without thought.
You don't care about the people involved, and you get no "kudos" for "standing up for me".
I'm am adult. I don't need some rando kid sticking his nose in and fanning the embers of an issue long since sorted.
Shut up
I know five years is a long-ass time, but I do have to wonder what caused her to do such a complete and total 180 on the issue. This is her initial reaction after the 12/16 hack hit:
I recall her saying similar things about the situation for a year or two afterwards. I can understand getting annoyed over this kid's dumb post, but this goes a bit further than that.
By the way, Wan's reaction is quite interesting as always:
zaush 1 day ago Hobbyist Digital Artist
Yes, we finally meet face to face! Wait, what does face to face mean again? Oh well. MWAHAHAHA!!
Funny thing about "never unfounded" is that they have to first be founded with evidence. I mean, sure, I DID write up a detailed and concise public letter about what really happened, provided chat logs before and after her visit. That probably doesn't matter to you, though, so I'll move along.
So you talked to Ferality? (YES. FERALITY.) That's great! Ferality must be completely okay with you referring to him as a "her". Last I heard, "she" is now a "he". I'm sure you knew that, and Ferality is totally fine with that, though. Social Justice isn't hung up about pronouns or anything.
As for the girls you mention ("...Littlebluewolf, Shinigamigirl, WolfNymph, many people.") It's probably not so likely that you talked to them. See... Littlebluewolf, Shinigamigirl, these people are my friends, and they stand against what Ferality is claiming in her private smear campaign note. I encourage you to talk with them and get the real story. WolfNymph? Not sure I've ever been in the same room as her, but okay. Might as well give her a ring too.
In fact, it might shed some light as to why Ferality chose to keep the notes private, and why I haven't ever seen this person supporting her claims in public. Ferality prefers to share ever-changing recounts under the protection of unconditional, unquestioning non-disclosure. These people she claims I've wronged are downright pissed off about Ferality name-dropping them to support the case in the first place.
So you've reported me to the "California authorities"? That's really strange... nothing seems to have happened. Maybe they're initiating their wire taps and staking out my place from across the street in order to uncover the truth behind a jilted lover's private smear campaign over the internet on a furry social website. That, or they've got real crimes to attend to. Or you're lying. Neither would surprise me.
Also that last bit with the internet tough guy routine is just precious.
First off, Ferality is gone. He switched off his FA as soon as it was possible to do so, and left a stub on Weasyl that hasn't been touched in over a year. He's had the best reason to flush this furry crapshake forever and has moved on. He has not talked to anyone about what happened in the years since. This talk about "ever-changing accounts" is the biggest, stinkiest chunk of shit in Wan's strategy and curiously he's stuck by it for five years without anything to support it. Ferality is not even close to calling the shots here, and Wan simply cannot conceive that those who keep bringing up the issue do so for their own reasons, not as some kind of
misandrist monolithic conspiracy against him.
As for a criminal record, there's rumors of a restraining order, but they were just rumors, and wouldn't show in any public records search regardless. There were other victims before Ferality, but none of them are ever coming forward, and obviously none of them ever went anywhere near the police.
The WolfNymph bit is actually slightly difficult to explain, but in the face of everything else it's just about irrelevant. Either Ferality was mistaken, or WolfNymph was well aware of the shitstorm that was coming and just decided she was better off denying everything. She would be far, far from the first person to do this if that was the case.
As for ShinigamiGirl and RainbowJokerHound, both are really not the kind of people to give a shit. They're just here to make money and not much else. They really don't care about much beyond themselves. That's not even a personal attack; some people are just that way and there's nothing that can be done about it.
I would say that I wish that kid had done more and better research about what happened before going and embarrassing himself, but on top of his own dubious claims (I somehow doubt he's talked to Ferality) he wasn't around when all this shit went down and is missing much of the picture. The fact of the matter is that a lot of the evidence, posts and other important info from back then is disappearing at a rapid pace or is simply inaccessible to those who weren't in the right places at the right times. It's only going to get worse as time goes on, and Wan is well aware of this.
Wan basically lives for shit like this now. He pretends to be angry about it, but on some level he thinks that this whole ordeal is the best thing that ever happened to him. He may even be right on that point, because he's come out of the last five years with a net gain in power, popularity and notoriety, and he knows exactly how to leverage them.
Furry isn't even worth burning to the ground anymore.