Author Topic: post in this thread every time uncle kage goes on a drunken power trip  (Read 18463 times)


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PRAWST, someone who was always kind of a butthole, has now been elevated to martyr status for pissing off Samuel "Uncle Kage" Conway, the AnthroCon supreme leader.

It seems that he posted something to YouTube that seriously pissed Conway off. This resulted in a lifetime ban from the event.

Pretty much business as usual for AC, but it's been said that PRAWST let slip some things to a reporter that would have been severely damaging to the convention. (As you may already know, AC has always been notoriously touchy about dealing with the media.) Given that Conway has a closet full of skeletons roughly the size of those hangars used to house 1930s-era dirigibles, it's anyone's guess as to what PRAWST might have told the reporter that caused the ban.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2010, 11:23:16 am by rodox_video »
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Re: post in this thread every time uncle kage goes on a drunken power trip
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2010, 12:09:55 pm »
God, I've done things that could be considered much more "damaging" to the fandom (I gave Fchan over to Nadia, for one), and I don't get banned from major conventions.

Man, what crawled up Kage's ass and died?


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Re: post in this thread every time uncle kage goes on a drunken power trip
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2010, 03:22:32 pm »
Man, what crawled up Kage's ass and died?

Not sure but betting it came out of 2's cock


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Re: post in this thread every time uncle kage goes on a drunken power trip
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2010, 09:49:10 pm »

This is interesting. He talks at length about not acting like you're hiding something, then around the third part swings right around into how YOU can help him hide things from the cameras.

It also turns out that whatever PRAWST said to the press is nothing that wasn't already known to any SA/PoE user since 2001, which just makes the whole thing more puzzling.
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Re: post in this thread every time uncle kage goes on a drunken power trip
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2010, 07:08:21 am »
The old man loves to make examples of people, but with that said the lack of a twenty paragraph explanation as to why Prawst is worse than Hitler or something is pretty puzzling. We're not getting the whole story by a longshot.
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Re: post in this thread every time uncle kage goes on a drunken power trip
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2010, 01:38:33 am »
Man, what crawled up Kage's ass and died?

Not sure but betting it came out of 2's cock

Do we make fun of 2 the Ranting Gryphon here too?

Because I totally have some jokes chambered up about how he needs to get back on the meds


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Re: post in this thread every time uncle kage goes on a drunken power trip
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2010, 10:37:06 am »
If we don't already have a 2 megathread, you have my blessing to start one.


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Re: post in this thread every time uncle kage goes on a drunken power trip
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2010, 12:46:10 am »
If we don't already have a 2 megathread, you have my blessing to start one.

Thanks, but I'll pass.  I really wouldn't know where to begin, you see.

Maybe one of you more capable gentlemen could do it and I will then make with the 2 funny.

an hoopoe

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Drunk or not, Kage's latest thing is that he has been invited to Eurofurence, however his friend 2 the gryphon doesn't have any money, so Kage is begging for cash to pay for him:

Quote from: Kage
No Ranting Grypon at EF16??
My friend and colleague "2, the Ranting Gryphon" is short on cash this year and has told me that he cannot afford to make it to Eurofurence this year.

I won't have that! I am not capable of being funny without him there to give me a boost. :( I am therefor hoping that some members of the EF community might be willing to help out with a fund that I have started, the "Get 2 to Eurofurence 16 or Everyone Will Be Sad" fund.

If you would like to help bring this extraordinary performer back to Eurofurence, please consider a donation via PayPal (yes, I know they've been naughty to other folks, but they would not dare mess with me) to Please mark it specifically for the Ranting Gryphon fund.

We're going to need about EUR 1200 it seems. That's quite a bit, I know, but think about what will happen if '2' is not able to attend. There at the hotel you will see poor, old Onkel Kage, sitting miserably in a corner with tears in his eyes. You wouldn't want that, would you? So any small donation will do -- as will any large ones if you feel so inclined. NO ALCOHOL WILL BE PURCHASED WITH THESE FUNDS! Every bit will be used for air fare for the gryphon. Anything in excess (or if we have a shortfall, then all of it) will be turned over to the Emmrich Sanctuary on behalf of the Eurofurence Community.

Remember, my job at Eurofurence is to make you laugh. Think of how difficult that will be for me without my partner-in-comedy!

People don't seem to be particularly responsive to him and the level of entitlement displayed is enormous:

Princess Piche willing to incur large credit card debts to buy popularity for his pet convention:


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Wow, that's pretty blatant panhandling. No special commission, no auction, just GIEB MONIES PLOX. Then reiterating nothing 'personal' will be bought with it, just hefty airfare to get 2's broke ass to a con meant to be costly. Does 2 even have a job apart from "Buy my furry stuff!". He keeps repeating he's a professional comedian, but I have a feeling he's still just collecting the dole for his back.

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"When they return as much to the Fandom..."

Ahahahahaha.  Yes, because looking like a huge douche and making a lame podcast full of profanity are such important contributions to your little fetish subculture.

Conway's got a Ph.D., doesn't he?  Why doesn't HE foot the bill for his little butt buddy?  Oh right I guess pouring piss samples into centrifuges doesn't pay that well...


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2 seems to be a good speaker, I'll give him that. Dude needs to work on having funny jokes instead of just relying on the fandom 'agreeing with him'. I've laughed at furries who are a lot more stupid, so maybe it's a compliment that nothing 2 says is funny?

Why don't they just hire a local comedian for the convention? A cheaper and more entertaining solution.
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Does 2 even have a job apart from "Buy my furry stuff!". He keeps repeating he's a professional comedian, but I have a feeling he's still just collecting the dole for his back.

You are correct. The nutshell is that he's a professional leach; the federal government foots the lion's share of his living expenses while the furry fandom pays for his luxuries. There is no 'comedy gig' other than going to furry conventions and extorting them.


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2 seems to be a good speaker, I'll give him that. Dude needs to work on having funny jokes instead of just relying on the fandom 'agreeing with him'.

Ah, "clapter". Telling jokes that are intended to be applauded rather than laughed at. Well, hell, John Stewart and Stephen Colbert have been elevated to living paragons by catering to clapter, so 2 has clearly just set his sights much, much lower to try and become The Furry Report.

Why don't they just hire a local comedian for the convention? A cheaper and more entertaining solution.

Because obviously Kage has a hardon for 2. The clapter makes him feel all funny inside.

Gotta hand it to Dragoneer, though. At least when it came to getting the jabbering loser to the convention he wanted him at, he footed the bill himself, instead of relying on the "furry community" that had been sooooooooo enriched by 2 to "give back".

So what exactly has 2 done for the community? All the things he's done have basically been for self-enrichment, to get popular or get paid. Those are generally not considered "giving". Perhaps he's somehow furthered furry's positive relationship with the "muggles"? Even assuming that a mohawked, Spider Jerusalem-wannabe rant-comedian were the sort of person likely to be adored by the general public, I'm unaware of any extensive PR campaign 2 has waged on furry's behalf. In fact, if anything, anyone exposed to his rants would instead be exposed to the bad parts as much as actually... y'know, being exposed directly.

In that way, 2 is something like a guy wandering through the streets shouting graphic descriptions of the hardcore BDSM sex he saw his neighbors having through their window, and how not everyone who likes being done up the butt by their lady-friend like many of his roommates do also enjoys wearing a gimp mask and getting spanked because those are just twisted. All this has succeeded in doing is 1) informing more people of his friends' proclivities and 2) offending people because his yammering about it was actually more public and more offensive than the act that set him off.


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Man, it has actually been quite a while since furries got me thinking "there's a sitcom in this somewhere".

« Last Edit: May 25, 2010, 02:14:38 am by rodox_video »
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Jim Demintia

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I seem to remember Dragoneer pays for FA's hosting on his credit card what the hell's going to happen to FA and FAU when he can't make his payments anymore? Credit cards, especially for someone like Dragoneer--who is young(ish), has a spotty employment history, and probably not a lot of paid off loans in his history--are a ticking time bomb. Especially when you're running however many thousands of dollars per month through them that he does.

I'm sorry, but people who use credit cards like that are fucking retarded. I'd say I hope he's enjoying the 3 cents off per gallon of gas or whatever piddly bits of nothing he's getting out of it, but I don't think he's even smart enough to get that kind of credit card.
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I heard about this recently, and it does not surprise me one bit.  I mean, I don't think there is any low Kage will not sink to - from what I have heard (correct me if this is wrong), Kage attempted to manipulate blacks into going after those trolls doing that tongue-in-cheek "protest" of Anthrocon in 2007; he basically said that the trolls were protesting against black people instead of just trying to piss some furries off. 

I also find it ironic as all hell that Kage can't spot some of his own money for "2" to go over there.  One would think that he would have a good deal of money with a Ph.D and the fact that he can put together such conventions on a yearly basis. 
Should the worst excesses of the furry fandom perish, the following will be inscribed on the epitaph:

"By the little with which the human spirit is satisfied we can judge the extent of its loss."
-G.W.F. Hegel


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I also find it ironic as all hell that Kage can't spot some of his own money for "2" to go over there.  One would think that he would have a good deal of money with a Ph.D and the fact that he can put together such conventions on a yearly basis. 

Not ironic at all.  See my post above - Conway's fancy-shmancy Ph.D. has netted him nothing more than a low-paying grunt work lab job.


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I also find it ironic as all hell that Kage can't spot some of his own money for "2" to go over there.  One would think that he would have a good deal of money with a Ph.D and the fact that he can put together such conventions on a yearly basis. 

Not ironic at all.  See my post above - Conway's fancy-shmancy Ph.D. has netted him nothing more than a low-paying grunt work lab job.

I see.  I was mistaken in thinking that the above was a hyperbolic remark.  Normally, I would cut someone slack due to the effects of the recession that broke out in December of 2007, but I can't help but think that social ineptitude on Kage's behalf landed him in such a job (and I feel sorry for any of his co-workers for having to put up with him).

You are correct. The nutshell is that he's a professional leach; the federal government foots the lion's share of his living expenses while the furry fandom pays for his luxuries. There is no 'comedy gig' other than going to furry conventions and extorting them.

I take it that it is not fortuitous that I have seen other furries asking for money for various things (computers, trips, etc.) from other furries.  Hell, I even heard that some furry tried launching a lawsuit (more like lawlsuit in this case) to acquire the rights to some game (Battletech, I think) awhile back.
Should the worst excesses of the furry fandom perish, the following will be inscribed on the epitaph:

"By the little with which the human spirit is satisfied we can judge the extent of its loss."
-G.W.F. Hegel


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Not quite sure where ProvincialTwit gets his information. Kage's LinkedIn profile is fairly clear - he works for West Pharmaceutical, analyzing products to ensure they don't contain leachable components (you generally don't want your vial mixing with whatever's in it).

Last I checked, the average Principal Chemist earned more than I did. Not much more, but still. Perhaps they pay danger money, given the circumstances.