This forum is for drama. It's everpresent, and it's amusing. It's an eventuality, but we do NOT induce or promote it. If you are a corpulent mass of hosebeast and you caused someone to give you angry looks for art theft, do not post about it here. If you're a channer who managed to get banned from a hardcore furry forum, we don't care. Go ahead otherwise, even the same old drama can amuse. Found a precious flower on LJ or FA that's just so special words can't describe? Give us a little description of them and a list of their greatest hits. Bad fictional characters, artwork and stories go in their own forum, though -- this is a place for real (bad) people.
This is also a forum for asking about our celebrities. Not sure who got up on stage and told the furries his ass was hungry? Want to know where the touchy-feely furries from that BBC show ended up? Met someone who violated his dogs on Usenet and sadly lost contact? Someone probably knows or has the effort to look them up.