Taryn the internet red panda is trying to scare up interest in his convention-gangbang fetish. What follows is suitable only for mature audiences with strong stomachs.
Now, I know that people have lots of misconceptions about last year's party, so I'd like to go ahead and clear that up for you all. It's not a come one, come all sort of deal. This event is (and always will be) invite-only. For some reason, people like to believe that anyone who just wanted to waltz right on in could have a turn... but yeah, that's not the case. If you want to come to the party, you need to RSVP by contacting me in one way or another.
For some reason, people thought that his gay bareback gang fuck was a
slutty event. We just can't have that now, can we? Instead, you've gotta reserve your place in his ass. Classy.
The second misconception is that my party was a crazy, free-for-all bareback fuckfest. XD In all honesty, only one person actually did the deed, if you know what I mean. The reason it came off as otherwise was probably because I exaggerated just a bit to make it out like the party was a huge success. About 15 or so people showed up, but most of 'em just came to watch.
The reasoning here sounds like "In addition to people thinking it's a slutty event (which it totally isn't!!!!!) I am disappointed that I only got one load of jizz up my prone ass. I lied about how much action I got and now people think I'm a manwhore (which I'm totally not!!!!!)."
My professional opinion, Taryn, is that you are bringing it upon yourself.
With that said, there are lots of misconceptions and assumptions about last year's events (and myself, heh), and as a result, I've ended up with a pretty bad reputation. Well, I'm doing my best to correct that, and let people see who I am beneath my kinkiness. X3 As naughty as I am, I still am quite responsible, and always play responsibly. You know, like the lottery. Or something. c.c
I'd think that these are
reasonable (mis|pre)conceptions and assumptions to have. Is there a way to pull off "bukkake gang bang" without coming off as kind of a sex whore?
Additionally I'm not sure "sexual responsibility" and "bareback gangbang" can be uttered in the same sentence.
~ The purpose of this party is simple. Taryn the red panda is going to be in the middle of a bukkake gang-bang. Oh my! What fun. X3
But it's not a crazy free-for-all bareback thing. Instead you get to choose where you spurt. Is this somehow going to make everything better?
~ The party is invite-only. There will be a guest list, and if you wish to be on it, you'll need to RSVP in advance by contacting Taryn in one way or another. Each person on the guest list may bring one additional guest, who does not have to be on the list. Please provide Taryn with what name will be on your badge, as well as your preference on pictures and videos. (See below~)
Is this a gangbang or a formal dress party?
~ If you (or someone) is for some reason unable to RSVP in advance, but still would like to attend, contact Taryn while at the convention to receive a special pass to grant you access! However, this won't allow you to bring an additional guest. Sowwie. D:
You can't bring an additional guest, but the additional guest can just pretend not to know you for a few minutes, find the guy later and get into his
assparty that way, apparently. Way to maintain a secure guest list.
~ The location of the party will be texted to those on the guest list during Anthrocon. Please provide your cell phone number when you RSVP, or find Taryn at the convention to ask. If your phone does not receive text messages, let Taryn know, and he'll give you a call, instead. :3
Here it is, your inner glimpse at the logistics behind organizing furries that wish to blow their load in/on you. Let's take notes.
~ There will be pictures and video taken at the party, so that those who do not attend can still enjoy. :3 If you are uncomfortable with this, you shouldn't attend. However, we will take into consideration the fact that not everyone wants their faces shown. So, if you wish your face to not be visible in pictures and video, please say so when you RSVP. If you do not wish to be in photos or video at all, then you shouldn't attend.
That's not good enough for me. I want signed and notarized model releases and 18 USC 2257 information kept for future records, like any other porn studio.

~ There is an entry free... and this is only to encourage those who attend to be a bit more... active in the party, since last year, the vast majority just stood around. If you want to attend, you'll need to cum at least once, on (or in) the red panda. Pretty simple, right? :3 So if you want to just watch, well... you'll need to at least fap and aim on the wah just once, and then you can sit back and be an observer, if you so choose. ^^
You, too, can
pay for the dubious privilege of busting a nut in this guy. Astounding. I'm not a lawyer, but doesn't this amount to prostitution?
Edit: I believe I originally misread this. It's not a monetary fee, durrr. You've just gotta get your cream on his body.I also like how he lowered his standards from last year. Maybe I'll dig up that post.
~ The party is NOT bareback-only, although it is preferred. However, if you are wanting to mount the red panda sans protection, you will NEED to have complete test results received within a month prior to Anthrocon 2009 in order to do so. Taryn will also have test results on-hand and readily viewable. If you do decide to bareback, that is your own responsibility, and do it at your own risk. Taryn have the right to say "no" to anyone, and he more than likely will to a few. He doesn't lift tail for absolutely anyone, as much as his reputation might say otherwise. ^^; Please don't be offended if Taryn declines.
Here we go with some more "i'm responsible really!" talk. Also it's a little late to be posting this, considering that AC is in 2 and a half weeks. That somewhat tarnishes the claim of being responsible.
~ If you wish to use protection, please bring your own (as well as your lube of preference, please). We won't be able to cater to everyone's... *ahem* ... you know... size. ^^; It's also requested that if you're using protection, you pull out and cum on the red panda somewhere. We shouldn't let any spoo go to waste. XD
~ No alcohol or food will be present at the party. If you wish to have something to drink or eat, please do so in advance.
Awww, but everyone knows that pizza and beer goes great with jizz.
I'm imagining what would happen if he didn't disclaim this, and the image is kind of very horrifying.
~ This party is meant to be an all-on-one sorta deal. If you're wanting to play with someone else, please take it to your own room. Having that said, if you have personal agenda with someone else who is the room, we ask that you please shove those differences aside and try to have a good time. If you wish to create drama or resolve issues between you and another person present at the party, please do it some place else.
Remember, this is a bareback gangbang, and you can't turn it into an orgy or a disagreement. You should be able to shove aside all your differences with other people in the name of shoving your dick into this one. How egocentric.
~ You must present a valid form of identification to be allowed inside, as well as your con badge. No one under 18 will be admitted.
Because you are trained in discerning valid forms of identification versus some dude with a card printer and a plausible template.
~ We have the right to remove anyone from the party at any time, for any reason... so please, don't give us a reason. This is all in good fun. Let's have a great time, everyone! ^.~
It's like an exclusive club, with bouncers and everything.
Hope to see you guys there~! :3
I hope not.
Ah, and for those of you who uh... don't remember who I am, for some reason... here's my xt00bs.
http://x02test.xtube.com/community/profile.php?user=mahoumikekun for the record. Features video of last year's bareback gangbang, the one where only one guy out of the fifteen in the room actually came.
~ Taryn the Wahboi ~
Can someone remove his tilde key and do something appropriately inappropriate with it?