Author Topic: How Bans Work  (Read 2855 times)


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How Bans Work
« on: February 01, 2011, 02:31:56 pm »
So, over here on Vivisector, we are not like your typical furry forum. We handle things a bit differently.

Unlike other furry forums, we will not ban you for disagreeing. We will not ban you for swearing. We will not even ban you if you are mean to us.

For the record, we mostly frown upon:
  • Excessive¹ asskissing
  • Noise-posting
  • Flagrant lack of proofreading
  • Not getting the hint when people want you to shut up
  • Giving the indication that you haven't read/understood the TOS
We do have several anti-social techniques that can be applied to your account in the event that you run afoul of myself or my colleagues². If you don't want to find out what they are, then take the following advice:
Engage your brain before you click the post button.

In the event that you feel that one of these anti-social punishments has been inappropriately applied to your account, then please come in and bitch at us. We will make a mockery of you on the IRC channel, and then figure out amongst ourselves whether or not the punishment should hold. If you can't figure out how to get into touch with us to complain about your ban, then you can go fuck yourself.

¹ i.e. any
² It is extremely rare that we will prevent people from reading the forum outright. You're welcome to lurk all you want.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2013, 12:21:22 pm by Pi »
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Re: How Bans Work
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2011, 03:00:08 pm »
Remember kiddies, abuse (at), for when you think you've been abused, or want us to heap some on you.